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2/12/2023 - Comparing OpenAI ChatGPT - Microsoft OpenAI and Microsoft Cognitive Services

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in the business world, with companies looking for ways to automate processes and improve their customer experience. There are a number of AI tools available in the market, and some of the most popular are OpenAI ChatGPT and Microsoft OpenAI , as well as Azure Cognitive Services . In this blog post, we will rely on the analysis of an article by Molly White to compare the cost of these three offeri

7/13/2020 - Richard's Way: Four Easy Steps To Create Complex SQL That Runs Fast

Recently I was faced with taking over the maintenance of a complex series of functions and stored procedures that produced student transcripts. What I found amazing was that the code had a massive amount of business rules that it needed to implement, yet it still ran incredibly fast. The creator of the code is my good friend Richard Waddell, and he took it for granted that the code would work so well. If I were faced with the same challenges he had, I doubt that I would have been able to succeed as well as he did. However, after studying his style and realizing that he basically follows 4 basic rules, I feel I can create any complex SQL that is easily maintainable and runs fast and efficiently.

5/23/2020 - Creating a Bot Using Power Virtual Agents

You can easily create a chat Bot for your website using Power Virtual Agents . The Power Virtual Agents is a web based application that allows you to create a Bot that interacts with your customers.   It allows your non technical Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to monitor the Bot using the built-in analytics , and to update and enhance the Bot using an online web interface . Getting Started To get started, go to:  https://powervirtualagents.mi

1/11/2020 - Using The Microsoft Bot Framework Composer

You can visually create Bots using the Microsoft Bot Framework Composer . The Microsoft Bot Framework Composer is a GitHub project that you download and run locally . Bots are created by defining intents … Intents can be mapped to dialogs that you can visually design . You can launch the the Bot Framework Emulator from the application. The emulator allows you to test and debug...

6/16/2019 - Using Azure QnA Maker (MS Bot Framework V4 Edition)

The Microsoft Bot Framework V4 allows you to create intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are (text/SMS to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services). The Bot Builder V4 SDK offers new features and is extensible with a pluggable middleware model. In this article we will build on the example started in the following article: Creating a Hello World! Bot (MS Bot Framework V4) . In this article we will cover integrating the QnA Maker service into

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